Rise of Vegan Communities and strategies to build one

Niche is something that has a very specific set of shared interests and goals. A community is a gathering of people who want to add value to their lives and other people’s lives. A niche community focuses on one such core element and works to cultivate that value in its members.

This Racket episode picked in its hands a very interesting niche community, a vegan community. This whole episode made its run around how vegan communities are built, the strategies involved, and their types.

Part - 1 What is happening in the Vegan Community space?

This week’s racket call featured Joanna, a vegan community builder who has tasted the joy of veganism and wants to open the cloche for others to experience.
A vegan community is built on a cause, a cause to respect and protect animals and make this world safe and better for all living creatures. This community space brings vegans, vegan-curious, people and brands who want to associate and serve vegan people under one umbrella. Joanna emphasized educating and giving information about how food is produced and how animals are treated and how we, as a person, can bring about a change in the world through vegan communities. They not only have it in their hearts but are passionate to see the difference in the world.

Inspiration- “I have experienced something beautiful, and I would love to tell the good news to others to make their life also beautiful and valued. To create a cruelty-free life for animals”.

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Part-2 What strategies are needed to build a vegan community?

All communities need a strategy. But can the same strategy be used for all communities? Each community is different in its nature and strategies change based on types of community members, goals, purpose, and niche. But these tips which have seen success in joanna’s vegan community building is a treasure right in your hand if you want to build a vegan community.

  • Selecting and segmenting the right community members who believe and stand for the cause. Food is connected with culture, sentiments, and emotions. So being thoughtful not to hurt anyone is the first thing you have to have in mind while setting up the community.
  • Starting with a micro-community and growing further later works perfectly for vegan communities. Find common interest ground and ignite contribution.
  • Building connections and content simultaneously with the Q & A supported ecosystem. Answer questions and provide support which will make even vegan-curious or someone who is currently going through the transition feel helped.
  • Build feedback loop, go for mixed cohort and observe your member, know their culture, and increase conversations
  • Consistent interaction, support, and content building matter a lot. It increases your efforts of keeping the community going.
A special tip - Planning to build a product/brand around veganism? Build community first and brand later. You need a deeper knowledge and understanding of vegan supporters, believers, and followers.

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What is the purpose and what do members achieve?

Veganism does not just nourish the body but also the soul. Similarly, this community is made not only to build a content curation but aims to make members find value in it, share values, and build a stronger and better tomorrow by growing from an idea to belief system to lifestyle.
Vegan community members are not alone, they feel supported and heard about their cause, they are able to identify with fellow vegan lovers, and folks who go through transformation get massive support and handholding from members here. It translated to gaining trust, spreading kindness, awareness, and co-create a positive lifestyle. A mindful way of living life.

Casual Community Chatter - Casual chats turn out pretty interesting. And that is why we thought of bringing out the voices of community people over a short yet casual conversation that could make the call insightful and fun. We started a racket series that will allow us to co-create 9 min worth of audio content where we get to listen to the voice of impactful community builders across the globe. Sounds cool? Book a call with us for a 9 min conversation around the community building.

About the speaker
Joanna Capati is a Vegan Community Builder from the Philippines, who aspires to encourage inclusive cruelty-free communities. You can check out her contribution in this field on Twitter or Racket now.