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Keerthana Ravichandran

Community engagement -- The talk of all communities

Community engagement is the talk of the town among community managers and community builders. It is becoming crucial for any community to have thriving members who actively participate and engage in a community. It all sounds very easy-breezy at first to have the engagement going because your community is compact...

Keerthana Ravichandran

Welcoming new members in a community

The first interactions with your community members, welcoming them to joining your community will make a long-lasting impression on a new member and provide the foundation for your community to build a relationship that continues for decades. Now that you have your new members joining your community, as a Community...

Keerthana Ravichandran

Live chats vs Support communities

We are often flummoxed to choose between a support community and real-time chats, but we're confused about when to choose the latter and when to choose the former; it gets us scratching our heads often! Let us put an end to this dispute by comparing which is the best option...

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