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Keerthana Ravichandran

The true essence of the community building process

“Community-making requires time as well as effort and sacrifice. It cannot be cheaply bought.” -- M. Scott Peck MD Community building is a long haul but a beautiful process. The journey towards building a community from scratch and seeing it grow - nurturing relationships - building strong bonds - learning...

Keerthana Ravichandran

How did SaaS companies carry out brilliant tactics for customer support?

Okay, Quick question? Have you ever thought about why almost 50% of startup companies stammer to succeed, especially when starting a company can be done with minimum to zero cost? There could be a million reasons. But it all comes down to two inevitable reasons. It is because either their...

Keerthana Ravichandran

How to make use of the search bars of a forum community?

Search search search… We all are searching for something in our day-to-day lives, be it related to our work, technology, space, cooking, or hobbies that we are passionate about, or just how to tie a necktie? We all are looking for knowledge and quick answers to our questions. We can't...

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